TPH by Taraji has a beautiful, charismatic Founder, Taraji P. Henson. However, the brand had multiple messages, which made it difficult to digest. To complicate things further, TPH was expanding into skincare, so we needed an idea that transcended both hair and skin.

Taraji’s journey to love her skin and hair was a difficult one and something many black women can relate to. So, I created an idea and developed an eye-catching key visual that positioned TPH as the brand that helps people of color let their unique beauty shine. Because when you love the way your hair and skin look and feels, Nobody Glows Like You.

Results: TPH Body exceeded Walmart sales forecasts by 300%, solidifying TPH as one of the largest brands in the Maesa portfolio.

Nobody Glows Like You - 360 Campaign

Paid Social

“Nobody Glows Like You” In-Store Assets

Organic Social

YouTube Pre-Roll


The Love Blend 360


Strong Brew Monday 360